801 words / VTDigger.org
Statewide base property tax rates might increase again — by a nickel in 2015 — to meet the rising cost of education. But in recommending the rate bump, Tax Commissioner Mary Peterson also suggests looking for a way to get schools to curb spending.
Peterson issued her official property tax recommendation Tuesday afternoon: Base homestead property tax rates should go from 94 cents to 99 cents, she said; non-residential property tax rates should increase from $1.44 to $1.49. Peterson recommended no change to the homestead income tax rate of 1.8 percent.
The Legislature, which ultimately sets statewide tax rates, will consider Peterson’s recommendations when it reconvenes in January.
Lawmakers also might respond to Peterson’s urging that they consider ways to limit the growth of education spending from year to year. Her message echoes one she delivered to the House Ways & Means Committee at a recent pre-session meeting that focused on education finance.
Gov. Peter Shumlin on Tuesday also appealed to school boards to keep their budgets lean.